The WWFF program has been running in Australia since March 2013, so about 4 & 1/2 years. In that time the program has exploded in popularity, with park activators now being heard almost every day of the week (even in the middle of the week). I have now issued just a little short of 2,100 VKFF certificates to VK's and other amateurs all around the world during that period. Now has come the time that I need a little help to keep the VKFF program afloat, as I am spending a number of hours each day in front of the computer, maintaining the website, issuing awards, and uploading logs. Much to the chagrin of my very understanding wife Marija. This together with a number of other pies I have my fingers in. I have now sourced some very good volunteers who are going to assist in the VKFF program, and I thank these individuals very very much. They are as follows:- Ian VK1DI. Gerard VK2IO. Mick VK3GGG. Mark VK4SMA. Hans VK6XN. Jonathan VK7JON. Commencing tomorrow (Wednesday 18th October 2017) the above gentlemen will act as State/Territory representatives in the VKFF program. They will be responsible for uploading logs for activations from their respective State/Territory, and also processing/forwarding award applications/certificates for amateurs from their respective State/Territory. So, for example, if you activate a park in VK1 (no matter what your call may be), the log will now be forwarded to Ian VK1DI. If you activate a park in VK2, then Gerard VK2IO is your contact, etc, etc. If you apply for a VKFF award (excluding OCCFF & the special awards), you will receive the award via the respective State/Territory rep mentioned above. Hans VK6XN will also be doing VK8. I will continue to upload logs and process awards for VK5's. I will also continue in my role as the VKFF National co-ordinator, and thanks to the volunteers mentioned above, I will now be able to focus more on National VKFF issues. More info on the new VKFF Team can be found on the WWFF Australia website at..... I again, thank the gentlemen mentioned above for volunteering their time. It is greatly appreciated. Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries. 73 and '44', Paul VK5PAS VKFF National co-ordinator. [email protected]
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Paul VK5PASThe VKFF National co-ordinator since March 2013. |