Who are awards available to?
The VKFF Awards are available to 'Activators', 'Hunters' & SWL's.
'Activators' are those amateurs who operate portable from within designated Australian parks.
'Hunters' are those amateurs who make contact with 'Activators' who are operating portable from within designated Australian parks.
'SWL's' are those listeners who log the activities of 'Activators'.
Full details on the various VKFF awards can be found further down on this page.
'Activators' are those amateurs who operate portable from within designated Australian parks.
'Hunters' are those amateurs who make contact with 'Activators' who are operating portable from within designated Australian parks.
'SWL's' are those listeners who log the activities of 'Activators'.
Full details on the various VKFF awards can be found further down on this page.
How much do awards cost?
All VKFF awards are FREE.
How are awards issued?
The majority of VKFF awards are issued via WWFF Log Search. There are some exceptions where specific awards have not yet been implemented in Logsearch, e.g. Boomerang Award, VKFF DX Hunter, VKFF Worked All Australia.
All Awards will be forwarded via email to the applicant after applying for the award/s via Logsearch.
How do I obtain a certificate that I missed?
If you have missed a particular VKFF certificate, don't worry. Drop the VKFF National Co-Ordinator an email at [email protected] and the certificate will be created for you and sent to you via email.
The VKFF Activator award certificates are issued at six levels as follows.....
1. Bronze Award………….activate 10 different VKFF reference areas.
2. Silver Award……………activate 20 different VKFF reference areas.
3. Gold Award…………….activate 30 different VKFF reference areas.
4. Platinum Award.............activate 40 different VKFF reference areas.
5. Diamond Award.............activate 50 different VKFF reference areas.
6. Sapphire Award.............activate 75 different VKFF reference areas
1. Bronze Award………….activate 10 different VKFF reference areas.
2. Silver Award……………activate 20 different VKFF reference areas.
3. Gold Award…………….activate 30 different VKFF reference areas.
4. Platinum Award.............activate 40 different VKFF reference areas.
5. Diamond Award.............activate 50 different VKFF reference areas.
6. Sapphire Award.............activate 75 different VKFF reference areas
The VKFF Activator Honour Roll certificates are issued following the VKFF Sapphire Activator certificate.
They are issued in increments of 25 VKFF references.
They are issued in increments of 25 VKFF references.
The VKFF Hunter award certificates are issued at six levels as follows.....
1. Bronze Award….......work (hunt) 10 different VKFF refererence areas.
2. Silver Award…..........work (hunt) different 20 VKFF reference areas.
3. Gold Award……........work (hunt) 30 different VKFF reference areas.
4. Platinum Award.........work (hunt) 40 different VKFF reference areas.
5. Diamond Award.........work (hunt) 50 different VKFF reference areas.
6. Sapphire Award.........work (hunt) 75 different VKFF reference areas.
1. Bronze Award….......work (hunt) 10 different VKFF refererence areas.
2. Silver Award…..........work (hunt) different 20 VKFF reference areas.
3. Gold Award……........work (hunt) 30 different VKFF reference areas.
4. Platinum Award.........work (hunt) 40 different VKFF reference areas.
5. Diamond Award.........work (hunt) 50 different VKFF reference areas.
6. Sapphire Award.........work (hunt) 75 different VKFF reference areas.
Applications for the VKFF Hunter Award are made through WWFF Log Search.
If you are a Short Wave Listener, you need to have logged 10 different VKFF references, 20 different VKFF references, etc.
If you are a Short Wave Listener, you need to have logged 10 different VKFF references, 20 different VKFF references, etc.
The VKFF Hunter Honour Roll certificates are issued following the VKFF Sapphire Hunter certificate.
They are issued in increments of 25 VKFF references and are initially awarded on having worked 100 different VKFF references.
They are issued in increments of 25 VKFF references and are initially awarded on having worked 100 different VKFF references.
The Boomerang Award is designed to promote park hunters logging the same VKFF reference a number of times.
The award also rewards park activators who activate the same VKFF reference on multiple occasions.
The award also rewards park activators who activate the same VKFF reference on multiple occasions.
**Please note..........
'activated' means 10 QSOs required per activation.
The UTC rollover does not count for this award as a separate activation. An activation must be separated by a 24 hour period.
The UTC rollover rule does not apply for the Boomerang Hunter award, only the Boomerang Activator.
The 10 QSOs as an activator must be made on a specific date. Not spread across the UTC rollover.
The award is retrospective, so start adding up parks from your old logs.
The award is not yet supported by WWFF Logsearch. Please send all applications (spreadsheet) to the VKFF National Co-Ordinator VK5PAS via [email protected]
As this award is manually checked (which takes some time), PLEASE ensure that you have vetted your application - NO UTC rollovers, for activations there MUST be 10 QSOs.
'activated' means 10 QSOs required per activation.
The UTC rollover does not count for this award as a separate activation. An activation must be separated by a 24 hour period.
The UTC rollover rule does not apply for the Boomerang Hunter award, only the Boomerang Activator.
The 10 QSOs as an activator must be made on a specific date. Not spread across the UTC rollover.
The award is retrospective, so start adding up parks from your old logs.
The award is not yet supported by WWFF Logsearch. Please send all applications (spreadsheet) to the VKFF National Co-Ordinator VK5PAS via [email protected]
As this award is manually checked (which takes some time), PLEASE ensure that you have vetted your application - NO UTC rollovers, for activations there MUST be 10 QSOs.
Boomerang Activators
- Activated 5 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- Activated 10 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- Activated 15 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- etc up to Boomerang 100
- from Boomerang 100, there are increments of 50, e.g. 150,200, 250, etc
* Please note that the UTC rollover does not count for this award as a separate activation. An activation must be separated by a 24 hour period.
Boomerang Hunters
- Worked 5 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- Worked 10 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- Worked 15 x VKFF references - 5 different dates each
- etc up to Boomerang 400
- from Boomerang 400, there are increments of 50, e.g. 450, 500, 550, etc
Hunter instructions.
- Please use the Boomerang Award Determinator which was kindly designed by Andrew VK3APJ.
- Firstly download your Hunter QSO log from WWFF Logsearch (see screenshot below).
Then upload your log to the VKFF Boomerang Award Determinator. Link below......
Activator instructions
- follow the instructions in the PDF document below which was kindly put together by Peter VK3PF.

boomerang_award_activator.pdf | |
File Size: | 857 kb |
File Type: |
The image on the Boomerang Award is Dunes near Andado, Northern Territory. The image is c/o http://www.comebirdwatching.blogspot.com/
The Murray River is the third longest navigable river in the world, after the Amazon and the Nile. The total length of the Murray is 2,520 km from its source in the Upper Murray and the Koscisusko National Park. It spans three States: Victoriam New South Wales, and South Australia. The Murray is continuously navigable for 1,986 km from Goolwa in South Australia to Yarrawonga in Victoria. The Murray is the major domestic water supply for over 1.5 million households, and has 4 major dams, 16 storage weirs and 15 navigable locks.
In South Australia the river is generally known as the River Murray. In Victoria and New South Wales the river is generally known as the Murray River.
There are a total of 61 qualifying parks for VKFF lying along the banks of the mighty Murray River, or WITHIN 10 km from the River (however access to Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park is currently not allowed).
At the end of the Murray at its Mouth in South Australia you have Salt Islands Lagoon Conservation Park and the Coorong National Park.
A total of 28 of the parks are located in Victoria (VK3), 24 of the parks are located in South Australia (VK5), and 9 are located in New South Wales (VK2).
In South Australia the river is generally known as the River Murray. In Victoria and New South Wales the river is generally known as the Murray River.
There are a total of 61 qualifying parks for VKFF lying along the banks of the mighty Murray River, or WITHIN 10 km from the River (however access to Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park is currently not allowed).
At the end of the Murray at its Mouth in South Australia you have Salt Islands Lagoon Conservation Park and the Coorong National Park.
A total of 28 of the parks are located in Victoria (VK3), 24 of the parks are located in South Australia (VK5), and 9 are located in New South Wales (VK2).
There are six stages to this award.
To qualify for the basic award you need to have either activated or worked a total of 10 of the following 62 VKFF Parks which are located either along the Murray River or in very close proximity.
The second level will be issued after activating or worked 20 of the qualifying parks.
The third level will be issued after activating or worked 30 of the qualifying parks.
The fourth will be issued after activating or worked 41 of the qualifying parks.
The fifth will be issued after activating or worked 51 of the qualifying parks.
The sixth and final level will be issued after activating or worked 60 of the qualifying parks (currently excluding Ngaut Ngaut).
To qualify for the basic award you need to have either activated or worked a total of 10 of the following 62 VKFF Parks which are located either along the Murray River or in very close proximity.
The second level will be issued after activating or worked 20 of the qualifying parks.
The third level will be issued after activating or worked 30 of the qualifying parks.
The fourth will be issued after activating or worked 41 of the qualifying parks.
The fifth will be issued after activating or worked 51 of the qualifying parks.
The sixth and final level will be issued after activating or worked 60 of the qualifying parks (currently excluding Ngaut Ngaut).
Please note that Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park VKFF-1069 is currently NOT able to be accessed by amateur radio operators. This park will remain on the list, as in future, it MAY be that access will be allowed.
- Annuello Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2255
- Bannerton Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2261
- Barmah National Park, VIC VKFF-0739
- Brookfield Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0822
- Burrowa Pine Mountain National Park, VIC VKFF-0069
- Cobram Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0961
- Cooltong Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0823
- Coorong National Park, S.A. VKFF-0115
- Dartagook Wildlife Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2304
- Echuca Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0966
- Euston Regional Park, N.S.W. VKFF-1782
- Gunbower National Park, VIC VKFF-0740
- Hattah Kulkyne National Park, VIC VKFF-0231
- Hogwash Bend Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0892
- Jarvis Creek Plateau Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0969
- Jeremal Wildlife Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2341
- Kemendok National Park, N.S.W. VKFF-1174
- Kemendok Nature Reserve, N.S.W. VKFF-1948
- Kapunda Island Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1040
- Kosciuszko National Park, N.S.W. VKFF-0269
- Lake Powell Wildlife Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2365
- Lawari Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1767
- Loch Luna Game Reserve, S.A. VKFF-1723
- Lower Goulburn National Park, VIC VKFF-0741
- Maize Island Lagoon Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0827
- Media Island Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1058
- Merbein South Flora Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2382
- Mildura Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2386
- Moorok Game Reserve, S.A. VKFF-1729
- Morgan Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0911
- Moss Tank Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2394
- Mount Granya State Park, VIC VKFF-0767
- Mount Lawson State Park, VIC VKFF-0768
- Mount Mitta Mitta Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0974
- Mowantjie Willauwar Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0919
- Murray River National Park, S.A. VKFF-0372
- Murray Sunset National Park, VIC VKFF-0373
- Murray Valley National Park, N.S.W. VKFF-1178
- Murray Valley Regional Park, N.S.W. VKFF-1785
- Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1069 (please note that no access to the park is currently allowed for radio purposes)
- Pike River Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0831
- Pooginook Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0929
- Poonthie Ruwe Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1082
- Ramco Point Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0930
- Ridley Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0932
- Rilli Island Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1087
- Roonka Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1090
- Salt Island Lagoons Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1092
- Swan Reach Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-0832
- Tintaldra Wildlife Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2457
- Tocumwal Regional Park, N.S.W. VKFF-0978
- Toltol Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2458
- Wandown Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2473
- Wemen Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2483
- White Dam Conservation Park, S.A. VKFF-1122
- Wodonga Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0980
- Wood Wood Flora Fauna Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2490
- Woomargama National Park, N.S.W. VKFF-0547
- Woomargama State Conservation Area, N.S.W. VKFF-1398
- Yarrawonga Regional Park, VIC VKFF-0981
- Yatpol Flora Reserve, VIC, VKFF-2501
This award is issued by the VKFF National program to VK operators, for making contact with amateurs operating in various WWFF areas located in different DXCC entities. The certificates are issued in increments of 5 DXCC entities.
The award is only issued to VK operators.
It is hoped that this award will encourage Australian operators to make contact with more overseas WWFF activators.
The award is only issued to VK operators.
It is hoped that this award will encourage Australian operators to make contact with more overseas WWFF activators.
The award is not implemented in Logsearch.
All applications via email to Paul VK5PAS, the VKFF National Co-Ordinator at ..........
[email protected]
All applications via email to Paul VK5PAS, the VKFF National Co-Ordinator at ..........
[email protected]
In Logsearch, click on DX Entities. This will list all of the DX entities you have worked.
This award is issued to amateurs who make contact with VKFF references in all Australian States and Territories. The qualifying Australian States and Territories and the minimum number of contacts required by amateurs are as follows.....
• VK0 (Australian Antarctica, Heard Island, MacQuarie Island) – 2 VKFF areas
• VK1 (Australian Capital Territory) – 1 VKFF area
• VK2 (New South Wales) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK3 (Victoria) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK4 (Queensland) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK5 (South Australia) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK6 (Western Australia) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK7 (Tasmania) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK8 (Northern territory) – 3 VKFF areas
• VK9 (Christmas Island, Cocos Keeling Islands (includes Pulu Keeling National Park), Rowley Shoals, Lord Howe Island, Willis Islands, Mellish Reef, Norfolk Island) – 2 VKFF areas
• VK0 (Australian Antarctica, Heard Island, MacQuarie Island) – 2 VKFF areas
• VK1 (Australian Capital Territory) – 1 VKFF area
• VK2 (New South Wales) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK3 (Victoria) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK4 (Queensland) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK5 (South Australia) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK6 (Western Australia) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK7 (Tasmania) – 5 VKFF areas
• VK8 (Northern territory) – 3 VKFF areas
• VK9 (Christmas Island, Cocos Keeling Islands (includes Pulu Keeling National Park), Rowley Shoals, Lord Howe Island, Willis Islands, Mellish Reef, Norfolk Island) – 2 VKFF areas
Please note that this award is NOT implemented in WWFF Logsearch.
Please send all applications to VK5PAS, the VKFF National Co-Ordinator.
Please send all applications to VK5PAS, the VKFF National Co-Ordinator.
This award is issued to VKFF activators who have reached the milestone of making 10,000 QSOs.
The OCCFF Hunter award was released on 10th September 2015. It is part of the WWFF Continents award certificates.
OCCFF stands for 'Oceania-Continent-Flora Fauna'.
This award is issued in increments of 7, for working Oceania DXCC entities and VK States and Territories. For OCCFF, a minimum of 3 DXCC entities are required, e.g. VK and 2 others (see list below).
This award was previously issued from Australia. In February 2018, the global WWFF Committee changed the design of the OCCFF award certificates, and the VKFF program ceased issuing the OCCFF certificates. The newly designed OCCFF certificates are now issued by the global WWFF Committee.
More information on the OCCFF award can be found on the WWFF global website at.....
OCCFF stands for 'Oceania-Continent-Flora Fauna'.
This award is issued in increments of 7, for working Oceania DXCC entities and VK States and Territories. For OCCFF, a minimum of 3 DXCC entities are required, e.g. VK and 2 others (see list below).
This award was previously issued from Australia. In February 2018, the global WWFF Committee changed the design of the OCCFF award certificates, and the VKFF program ceased issuing the OCCFF certificates. The newly designed OCCFF certificates are now issued by the global WWFF Committee.
More information on the OCCFF award can be found on the WWFF global website at.....
- 3D2 Fiji..........DXCC-176
- 3D2C Conway Reef..........DXCC-489
- 3D2R Rotuma.........DXCC-460
- 4W Timor Leste..........DXCC-511
- 5W Western Samoa..........DXCC-190
- 9M6 East Malaysia..........DXCC-046
- A3 Tonga..........DXCC-160
- C2 Nauru..........DXCC-157
- DU Philippines..........DXCC-375
- E5-N North Cook Island..........DXCC-191
- E5-S South Cook Island..........DXCC-234
- E6 Niue..........DXCC-188
- FK New Caledonia..........DXCC-162
- FK-C Chesterfield Reef..........DXCC-512
- FO-A Austral Island..........DXCC-508
- FO French Polynesia..........DXCC-175
- FO-M Marquesas Island..........DXCC-509
- FW Wallis & Fortuna..........DXCC-298
- H4 Solomon Islands..........DXCC-185
- H40 Temotu Prov..........DXCC-507
- JD1-M Minami Torishima..........DXCC-177
- KH0 Mariana Is..........DXCC-166
- KH1 Baker & Howland Is..........DXCC-020
- KH2 Guam..........DXCC-103
- KH3 Johnston Island..........DXCC-123
- KH4 Midway Island..........DXCC-174
- KH5 Palmyra Island..........DXCC-197
- KH5-K Kingman Reef..........DXCC-134
- KH6 Hawaii..........DXCC-110
- KH7-K Kure Island...........DXCC-138
- KH8 American Samoa..........DXCC-009
- KH8-S Swains Island..........DXCC-515
- KH9 Wake Island..........DXCC-297
- P2 Papua New Guinea..........DXCC-163
- T2 Tuvalu..........DXCC-282
- T30 Western Kiribati..........DXCC-301
- T31 Central Kiribati..........DXCC-031
- T32 Eastern Kiribati..........DXCC-048
- T33 Banaba Island..........DXCC-490
- T8 Palau..........DXCC-022
- V6 Micronesia..........DXCC-173
V7 Marshall Island..........DXCC-168 - V8 Brunei..........DXCC-345
- VK1 ACT - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK2 NSW - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK3 VIC - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK4 QLS - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK5 SA - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK6 WA - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK7 TAS - Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK8 NT- Australia..........DXCC-150
- VK9-C Cocos Keeling Island..........DXCC-038
- VK9-L Lord Howe Island..........DXCC-147
- VK9-M Melish Reef..........DXCC-171
- VK9-N Norfolk Island..........DXCC-189
- VK9-W Willis Island..........DXCC-303
- VK9-X Christmas Island..........DXCC-035
- VK0 - Macquarie..........DXCC-153
- VP6 Pitcairn Island..........DXCC-172
- VP6-D Ducie Island..........DXCC-513
- YB Indonesia..........DXCC-327
- YJ Vanuatu..........DXCC-158
- ZK3 Tokelau Island..........DXCC-270
- ZL New Zealand..........DXCC-170
- ZL7 Chatham Island..........DXCC-034
- ZL8 Kermadec Island..........DXCC-133
- ZL9 Auckland/Campbell Islands..........DXCC-016