The inaugural VKFF Team Championship was held on Sunday 16th October 2016.
This event is made possible by the generous nature of various sponsors. These include both individual amateurs who donate money towards trophies, and commercial sponsors.
Glass etched trophies are on offer for winners of particular sections of this event. The trophies are provided by Awards and Trophies.com.au in Queensland.
The 2024 VKFF Team Championship will be held between.....
0000 -2359 hrs Saturday 12th October 2024.
0000 -2359 hrs Saturday 12th October 2024.
- Create a team of 2 amateurs (PLEASE NOTE THE RULE CHANGE - MAXIMUM of 2 PEOPLE PER TEAM)
- Individual activators do not qualify. This is a team event of 2 people.
- Create a name for your team (please be sensible - rude or inappropriate team names will be refused).
- Register your team with the VKFF National Co-Ordinator, Paul VK5PAS (failing to register will make your activation void for the VKFF Team Championship). Email your details to [email protected]
- The Team Championship is held over a 24 hour period (0000 hrs UTC - 2359 UTC). A maximum of 6 hours can be used on air during that 24 hour period. This can be spread out as desired by participants, e.g. a continuos 6 hours, or 2 hours and then 4 hours later in the day, etc.
- Activate from a qualifying VKFF park or parks. The team can operate from more than one park. However, the team MUST be in the same park at the same time.
- Make as many contacts as possible within the 6 hour maximum period.
- Stay in the park for as long as you like.....6 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour. What ever you choose. But remember 6 hours is the maximum time allowed.
- Operate on as many bands (excluding the WARC bands) as desired (but remember VKFF rules, in that repeaters, IRLP, Echolink do not count for valid VKFF QSOs).
- If your section allows, operate as many stations as you would like, e.g. one op on 40m, another on 10m, etc.
- You are permitted to use a single call sign, e.g. a club call sign, or individual call signs.
- Ensure you abide by all VKFF rules.
- a station may be worked only once on the same band or the same mode (by each callsign of the team taking part)
- There is no requirement for a contest exchange, e.g. 5/9 001. Just simply log your contacts.
- Suggested call: CQ VKFF Team Championship
- Combine your QSOs together if you operated as a team under different call signs.
- If you operate from a different park you can log the same callsign again.
- At the end of the VKFF Team Championship, submit your log/s to the VKFF National Co-Ordinator, Paul VK5PAS. Please include in the email what the name of your team was and what section you are entering into. Email to [email protected]
- Logs can be sent individually if you operated using your own individual call sign. Or a single log if you used one callsign.
- The log/s MUST be in ADIF format or by using the CSV file template.
If you intend to take part in the event, please register by sending an email to Paul VK5PAS at [email protected] with details of your team name, participants, section you are entering into, and details of the parks/ you intend to activate.
General Section
This section is open to all bands and all modes (subject to WWFF/VKFF rules).
Single transceiver/40M & 80M/wire antenna
This section is open to those using a single transceiver, on the 40m and 80m bands, using wire antennas, and using 100 watts output or less.
This section is limited to a power output of no greater than 5 watts.
This section is limited to teams of Foundation licence holders only.